Geothermal Barrie

Trusted Cooling System Maintenance, Repairs, and Installations in Barrie, ON!

Geothermal heating and cooling systems harness the geothermal properties of the ground beneath your feet to warm your home in winter and cool it in summer. Efficient, quiet, and completely free of combustibles like propane or natural gas, geothermal technology is an increasingly popular choice for homeowners in Barrie and the surrounding areas.

Why Geothermal in Barrie?

Geothermal home heating and cooling systems are gaining significant momentum in the Barrie area. Why? Firstly, because they’re a reliable, long-term heating and cooling solution that’s great for the planet and your pocketbook.

But there’s another reason our geothermal services are in such high demand at SMHC. Residents of Barrie and surrounding areas are becoming increasingly aware that the region’s natural features make it an attractive location for geothermal installations (see chart below):  

Characteristics That Make Barrie a Great Location for Geothermal Installations


Characteristics Benefits for Geothermal Systems
Climate Relatively temperate year-round Less extreme temperatures allow for optimal geothermal system efficiency in every season
Ground Composition A mix of sedimentary basin and Canadian Shield with varying soil depth and water access Opportunities for horizontal geothermal systems as well as vertical, lake loop, and hybrid systems
Thermal Conductivity Prevalence of granite and gneiss rock in the Barrie area Granite and gneiss’s high thermal conductivity means high heat exchange potential for geothermal systems
Thermal Gradient Below the frost line, southern Ontario’s ground temperature maintains a consistent 3-11 degrees Celsius year-round Consistent ground temperatures make for efficient heating/cooling in every season
Incentives/Rebates Provincial and federal incentives and rebates exist for homeowners investing in efficient energy solutions You may be able to get money back for your Barrie area geothermal system installation

Advantages of Geothermal Systems

The advantages of geothermal energy are numerous and include the following:

  • Reduced carbon footprint and monthly energy bills
  • All-season energy source (heating and cooling capabilities)
  • Quiet, odour-free, and free of combustibles

Understanding SMHC’s Geothermal Installation Process

At Simcoe Muskoka Home Comfort, our highly qualified and experienced geothermal technicians follow a proven, 3-step process to ensure well-planned and executed outcomes that involve the homeowner as a partner.

Step 1 – Comprehensive On-Site Inspection and Home Audit

  • First, we assess whether or not geothermal is the optimal solution for the job site.
  • If the site is determined to be viable for geothermal, we carefully analyze factors such as the property layout and water resources to determine the most suitable approach.

Step 2 – Detailed System Design and Planning

  • We empower the homeowner with clear information on the expected payback period and the overall cost of the system.

Step 3 – On-Site Installation

  • We install horizontal, vertical, and water-based geothermal systems to exacting standards.

Ready to learn more about SMHC’s geothermal heating and cooling services in Barrie and the surrounding areas? Call us today to book an appointment!

Considering a Geothermal System For Your Home? Call Simcoe Muskoka Home Comfort
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